Frostfeather Technologies
Professional Tournament Scorekeeping Solutions
3/1/04 -
Announcing Archery Scorekeeper 2.0.1
Sense ships Archery Scorekeeper 2.0.1 for evaluation by National Archery
Association and the regional tournament hosts.
Archery ScoreKeeper 2.0.1 provides an intuitive means of
registering, tracking and compiling results from any Archery tournament.
The software contains pre-configured tournament templates with
the ability to customize the organization of tournament for each
location. In addition the
Archery Scorekeeper 2.0.1 software creates a data store enabling local
tournament data to be stored and shipped to the National Archery
Association to be compiled and merged.
With the ability to easily store, retrieve and compile results
the time it takes from the completion of the recording of the scores to
the ability to present awards is dramatically reduced.